If you are under the age of 21, you face stiff penalties for alcohol-related offenses under Illinois law. Aside from the possible criminal penalties, which may include jail time, community service, traffic safety school and/or high fines and court assessments, the Illinois Secretary of State may impose a driver’s license suspension or revocation for many of alcohol-related offenses as follows:
Illegal Transportation of Alcohol
- Conviction – 12-month driver’s license suspension
Zero Tolerance while Driving
- 1st Offense – BAC above a .00 – 3-month driver’s license suspension
- 1st Offense – Test Refusal – 6-month driver’s license suspension
- 2nd Offense – BAC above a .00 – 12-month driver’s license suspension
- 2nd Offense – Test Refusal – 2-year driver’s license suspension
- 1st Conviction – Minimum 2-year driver’s license revocation
Although the above offenses are directly related to driving, you can still have your license suspended or revoked for possessing or consuming alcohol as described below, even if the offense is completing unrelated to driving or being in a motor vehicle.
Possession of Alcohol by a Minor
- Court supervision – 3 month driver’s license suspension
- 1st conviction – 6-month driver’s license suspension
- 2nd conviction – 12-month driver’s license suspension
- Conviction with an existing or pending revocation – Driver’s license revocation
Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor (Underage Drinking)
- Court supervision – 3 month driver’s license suspension
- 1st conviction – 6-month driver’s license suspension
- 2nd conviction – 12-month driver’s license suspension
- Conviction with an existing open or pending revocation – Driver’s license revocation
Possession of a Fraudulent ID or Fraudulent Driver’s License
- 1st offense (court supervision or conviction) – 12-month driver’s license suspension
- 2nd offense – Minimum 12-month driver’s license revocation
The loss of your driving privileges can have far reaching consequences on your life. We understand that your inability to get to school or work can be a severe hardship. If you are charged with an alcohol-related offense in Illinois, contact the defense attorneys at The Davis Law Group, P.C. Our attorneys have an in-depth knowledge of Illinois criminal law, traffic law and driver’s license law. Ensuring that your case is handled properly from the start can make a significant difference in the final outcome. Our legal practice extends throughout Cook County, Lake County and DuPage County. Contact us today at (847) 390-8500 to discuss your case.