
Buffalo Grove Man Tailgates Cops After Receiving Speeding Ticket

Michael Adam Musick, 47, of Buffalo Grove was pulled over by police on January 6 for allegedly speeding 37 mph in a 25 mph zone. After an officer attempted to issue him tickets for speeding as well as driving without a license, Musick allegedly became verbally combative with the officers and refused to sign the tickets.

The Buffalo Grove officers left the tickets on Musick’s windshield and returned to their vehicles, but Musick allegedly tried to block them from pulling away. After the officers went around his vehicle, he allegedly chased and tailgated them in his SUV. Musick was pulled over again by the officers with their weapons drawn and removed from his vehicle. As a result, he was additionally charged with reckless conduct.

Buffalo Grove man arrested for chasing cops, www.suntimes.com, January 18, 2011

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