There are a variety of possible consequences resulting from a second DUI arrest in Illinois. To a large extent, the penalties depend on the outcome of your first DUI. The majority of people arrested for a first DUI receive an automatic suspension of their driver’s license for 6 or 12…
Articles Posted in DUI
Will I Go to Jail for a First Time DUI Arrest?
While jail can often be avoided for a first-time DUI in Illinois, there are a variety of factors that help determine whether any period of incarceration will be imposed. In Illinois, DUI is typically charged as a Class A misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of up to one year…
DUI Penalties for Illinois CDL Holders
Illinois commercial driver’s license holders are subject to enhanced license penalties when they are charged with DUI. DUI cases in Illinois generally are broken down into 2 separate parts – the Statutory Summary Suspension (“SSS”) of a driver’s license based on chemical testing and the criminal charge for DUI. Either…
DUI Defense Attorney Case Study: Wheaton Courthouse in DuPage County
DuPage County DUI Defense Attorney Case Study The DUI defense attorneys at The Davis Law Group, P.C. have an unmatched understanding of the Illinois Vehicle Code, especially DUI law. Our in-depth knowledge of the law, combined with our experience in both negotiation and litigation of DUI cases, allows us to…
Illinois Court Date Postponements Due to COVID-19
Due to the health concerns surrounding the spread of COVID-19, many upcoming court appearance dates in Illinois have been postponed. This includes court dates scheduled throughout the primary geographic area of our legal practice: Cook County, Lake County and DuPage County. The details below are related to criminal and traffic…
Alcohol-Related Offenses for Drivers Under 21
If you are under the age of 21, you face stiff penalties for alcohol-related offenses under Illinois law. Aside from the possible criminal penalties, which may include jail time, community service, traffic safety school and/or high fines and court assessments, the Illinois Secretary of State may impose a driver’s license…
What are the Immigration Consequences of a DUI Arrest?
The U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act requires that applicants meet a ‘good moral character’ standard that is defined as ‘adherence to generally accepted moral standards of the community’. Until October 25, 2019, DUI was not used as the basis for a finding that an applicant was not of good moral…
Rolling Meadows DUI Defense – Case Study
The Davis Law Group, P.C. is a law firm based in Northfield, Illinois, a short distance from the Rolling Meadows Courthouse. Our attorneys focus on criminal defense, with a concentration in DUI defense and traffic law. Our approach to defending our clients in court combines a comprehensive understanding of Illinois…
Federal DUI Defense
While the vast majority of offenses for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI) are filed and heard in state courts, DUI may also be charged as a federal offense. Most commonly, federal DUI charges arise in situations where the offender is stopped on the property of a…
Waukegan DUI Attorney Case Study
The Waukegan DUI attorneys at The Davis Law Group, P.C. have an unparalleled understanding of Illinois DUI and traffic law and years of experience representing clients at the main Lake County courthouse located in downtown Waukegan. Our DUI lawyers are prepared to fight to protect your freedom and driving privileges.…