
Elgin Woman Gets 8 Years on 6th DUI After Showing Up Drunk in Court

Sandra Uher, 54, of Elgin was sentenced to eight years in prison and $6,950 in fines after she showed up intoxicated for a hearing on her sixth DUI. The preliminary findings for the most current DUI show that Uher had a blood-alcohol level of .30 percent.

On March 28 of this year, she ran a stop sign in Elgin and crashed into another car. The court could have sentenced her to up to 30 years in prison because of the previous convictions. Before eligible for parole, Uher is required to complete at least 50 percent of her sentence. In court, Uher maintained that she has an addiction and is doing her best to deal with it.

Elgin woman gets 8 years for sixth DUI, www.dailyherald.com, June 30, 2011

Posted in: DUI
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