
New Secretary of State Rules for 2022

The Secretary of State has enacted new rules, which became effective on January 1, 2022, addressing out-of-state petitions for reinstatement; formal hearing procedures; informal hearing eligibility; time limits to complete restricted driving permit and reinstatement requirements; designation of four (4) different types of restricted driving permit and standards governing each type; using the restricted driving permit for other reasons; breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID) violations; definition of a “DUI disposition”; updated evaluations; opiate substitution programs; medical cannabis; and prescribed opiate medication.

Additional details regarding these new rules can be found on this earlier blog post.

Attorney Larry A. Davis of The Davis Law Group, P.C. represented the Illinois State Bar Association in negotiations with the Secretary of State’s office in finalizing these new rules. If you have a driver’s license issue and would like to discuss your case, feel free to contact us.

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