
Chicago DUI Lawyer Blog


School Bus Permit Cancellation & Suspension

A school bus permit is required to transport school children through 12th grade for a public, private or religious school in a school bus or any other approved vehicle owned by or operated for a school or religious institution over a regularly scheduled route. School bus permit holders are subject…


Expungement of Marijuana Offenses in Illinois

Earlier this week, Illinois enacted one of the most far-reaching cannabis legalization laws of any state in the country. The law, which becomes effective January 1, 2020, contains provisions for the expungement of marijuana offenses. Over the past decades, hundreds of thousands of Illinois residents (and non-residents) have been arrested…


Illinois Court Case Information Online

NOTE: WE ARE A PRIVATE LAW FIRM. THIS POST IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE CONTACT THE COURTHOUSE DIRECTLY FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. How do I find criminal case or traffic ticket information in Illinois? The individual Circuit Court clerks maintain the court records for each county throughout Illinois. Illinois does…

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