The defense attorneys at The Davis Law Group, P.C. represent clients charged with Aggravated Speeding (26 or more mph over the posted speed limit) at the Park City Branch Court located at 301 S. Greenleaf Avenue and throughout Lake County.
Under Illinois law, Speeding 26-34 mph over the posted speed limit is a Class B Misdemeanor, while Speeding 35 mph or more over the posted speed limit is a Class A Misdemeanor. Class B Misdemeanors are punishable by up to 6 months in the Lake County jail and a fine of $1,500. Class A Misdemeanors are punishable by up to 12 months in jail and a fine of $2,500.
Oftentimes, speeding 26 mph or more over the posted speed limit is referred to as Aggravated Speeding. Aggravated Speeding cases are regularly heard at the Park City Branch Court as well as the other branch courthouses in Lake County (i.e. Mundelein and Round Lake Beach).
Aggravated Speeding is a criminal offense with serious potential consequences and, therefore, attorney representation is highly recommended. Under Illinois law, a driver may be eligible for Court Supervision for speeding 26 mph or more over the posted speed limit. Court Supervision will prevent the entry of a conviction on your public record so long as the period of supervision is completed successfully. Depending on a variety of factors, it may be possible to negotiate a reduction of the charge with the prosecutor. If the prosecutor agrees to amend the charge to a petty speeding offense (25 mph or below the posted speed limit), the violation will no longer be charged as a criminal offense.
The traffic ticket defense attorneys at The Davis Law Group, P.C. have handled thousands of speeding tickets throughout Lake County and look forward to speaking with you to discuss your specific case. If you are charged with speeding 26 or more over the limit in the Chicagoland area, including the Park City Branch Court, feel free to contact our office to learn more about our legal services.