Failure to Signal

Some drivers make a habit of not using their turn signal when the roads are clear and others may simply forget, but it is required under Illinois law. While a traffic ticket for failure to signal may seem insignificant, simply paying the ticket will likely impact your public driving record and your insurance rates.

What is the Law?

The required use of turn signals is found in the Illinois Vehicle Code under Section 625 ILCS 5/11-804. In a business or residential district, the law requires that a turn signal is given continuously during not less than the last 100 feet traveled by the vehicle before turning right or left.

Outside of a business or residence district, the law requires that the turn signal be used continuously during the last 200 feet before the turn. Among other signaling conditions, Illinois law requires that a driver may only make a turn when it can be made with reasonable safety. You may not make a turn from a direct course or move to the right or left unless a proper signal is given.

Also, although not well-known, you may not stop or suddenly decrease the speed of your vehicle unless you give an appropriate signal if there is another vehicle directly behind you, unless you do not have the opportunity to do so.

What are the Penalties for Failure to Signal?

Failure to signal is a petty offense under Illinois law, which carries a potential penalty of up to $1,000.00 plus mandatory fees and court costs. A conviction for this offense constitutes a moving violation which, upon report to the Illinois Secretary of State, will be entered on your driving record and may ultimately count toward the basis for a driver’s license suspension or revocation.

Additionally, a conviction for failure to signal may result in increased insurance costs.

Contact Our Traffic Attorneys

The traffic attorneys at The Davis Law Group, P.C. represent clients on a wide range of traffic tickets including violations for failure to signal in Cook County, Lake County and DuPage County.

There are steps that can be taken to avoid a conviction from being entered to your driving record. If you receive a ticket for failure to signal, contact our attorneys today to discuss your case.
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