Disorderly Conduct / Reckless Conduct

Our criminal defense attorneys represent client charged with Disorderly Conduct (720 ILCS 5/26-1) throughout Chicago and the surrounding areas including Cook, Lake, and DuPage Counties. The Davis Law Group, P.C., represents clients facing allegations of both misdemeanor and felony Disorderly Conduct.
Disorderly conduct is behavior that alarms or disturbs another or others, and thereby provokes a breach of the peace. Disputes between neighbors and alcohol-related behavior are often at the root of these charges. Other types of disorderly conduct such as filing a false police report can lead to felony charges and are viewed in a much different light than the less serious forms of this charge.
Our lawyers review all evidence to determine the best course of action. Often, as defense lawyers, we may effectively challenge a charge of Disorderly Conduct because all of the elements of the offense can be difficult for a prosecutor to prove. Police often use this charge as a "catch-all" to criminalize conduct that is seemingly unlawful but does not quite rise to the level of a criminal offense. If the prosecutor senses a weakness in their ability to prove this charge, a "deferred prosecution" offer may be extended. A deferred prosecution entails the completion of a certain amount of community service and a return to court to show proof of completion and, in turn, a dismissal. If the evidence is weak and the State does not voluntarily dismiss the case, our attorneys may proceed to a trial by either judge or jury, and challenge the allegation(s).
If the evidence is convincing against the defendant, the case may result in a sentence of Court Supervision. Court Supervision is not a conviction and may be a favorable outcome because it does not result in a public criminal record. Defendants with a more significant criminal history may face other sentences including conviction sentences such as Conditional Discharge, Probation, or a county jail sentence that can range anywhere from one (1) day to three-hundred sixty-four (364) days in custody.
Felony allegations of Disorderly Conduct are generally eligible for probation. These cases typically involve the filing of false police report(s), which is a Class 4 Felony and has a maximum penalty of one to three years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000.00. If a defendant has a publishable criminal history involving other crimes, the accused may be sentenced to an Illinois State Penitentiary if the disposition results in either a finding of guilt after a trial, or a plea of guilty.
The criminal defense attorneys at The Davis Law Group, P.C. have decades of combined experience handling matters involving Disorderly Conduct, and understand the local courthouse procedures. We practice regularly with the Assistant State's Attorneys, local Clerks of the Circuit Court, and Judges. Our ultimate goal is to help our clients minimize the impact of criminal allegations by obtaining the best possible result. Feel free to contact us if you require legal representation due to an allegation of Disorderly Conduct or any other criminal matter in Chicago or other surrounding areas.