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Chicago Overweight Violations, 400 West Superior St.

Truck drivers and trucking companies issued overweight citations in the City of Chicago face the frustration of high fines and time off the road. The attorneys at The Davis Law Group, P.C. regularly handle these violations throughout the Chicagoland area including the Administrative Hearing Facility located at 400 West Superior Street in Chicago, Illinois.

Truck drivers issued Chicago overweight tickets are most commonly charged under Chicago Municipal Code Section 9-72-080, for Exceeding Allowable Weight Limits, which regulates weight limits and outlines the applicable fines. In addition, if the driver is unable to post a bond in the full amount of the fine, they will also be charged with Section 2-25-080, Interference with Commissioner’s Duties. Both charges will commonly appear on one Administrative Notice of Ordinance Violation as separate counts. Often, a truck enforcement officer will charge a driver (or company) with multiple counts without their knowledge. Be sure to read your citation carefully to determine each count you are facing. Our attorneys will review and evaluate our client's paperwork carefully to fully understand the charges.

Citations for Exceeding Allowable Weight Limits and Interference with Commissioner’s Duties often carry several thousands of dollars in fines. The defense attorneys at The Davis Law Group, P.C. regularly represent clients charged with these municipal ordinances in Room 106 at 400 W. Superior St. in Chicago. We may appear on your behalf and alleviate the need for you to take time off the road.

Regardless, is is important to note that if the Chicago truck overweight violation is written in a company name, rather than the driver's name, the corporation is required to have attorney representation at the administrative hearing. Under these circumstances, drivers are not permitted to represent themselves (Stone Street Partners, LLC v. City of Chicago Dept. of Administrative Hearings, 2014 IL App (1st) 123654; 12 N.E.3d 691 (Ill. App. Ct. 2014). As a result, many driver's will travel long distances for their hearing date, only to find out that they need an attorney present. We will work with you to avoid the inconvenience and cost of making personal court appearances.

Our attorneys have the ability to negotiate with the city prosecutor or challenge improperly issued citations. We have handled hundreds of overweight violations in Chicago and throughout Illinois including Cook, Lake, DuPage and Will Counties. We will handle the process from start to finish to ensure the best possible result. Let us put our vast experience to work for you. Feel free to contact The Davis Law Group, P.C. to discuss your case.

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