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Medical Care

At The Davis Law Group, P.C., our attorneys fight to ensure your employer or your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company pays for your medical care after you are injured on the job. If your claim is denied, we will protect your medical benefits by filing an Application for Adjustment of Claim with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission. The Commission will only order benefits to be paid to an employee if a claim is filed. Generally, your claim must be filed within three years after the date of injury or within two years of the last payment of Temporary Total Disability or medical bill, whichever is later. Filing your claim within the time limits is extremely important, as you will lose your right to future benefits if your claim is not filed on time.

The Workers’ Compensation Act provides that you may see two physicians at your employers’ expense. The physicians you are permitted to see will depend on whether your employer has a Preferred Provider Program (“PPP”). If your employer has a PPP, you are limited to choosing two physicians from the network to which your employer subscribes. If your employer does not have a PPP, then you may choose any two physicians. If either of the physicians you see refers you to any specialist or for diagnostic testing, these expenses will be covered. Additionally, your employer has the right to choose one doctor to examine you. Your employer must pay for your travel expenses and lost wages for this appointment.

It is important to note that if you inform your employer that you are declining to participate in the PPP, your declination counts as one of your two choices of medical providers, and you may choose only one physician.

If you are injured on the job, you should seek medical attention immediately. When seeking medical attention, inform the medical providers that the injury is work-related. Also, give your employer the name and address of the doctor or hospital you chose, along with enough medical information for the employer to determine whether to accept your claim. It is unnecessary to give your employer unfettered access to your medical records. Additionally, you should inform your employer of the injury, including the approximate time and place of the injury usually within 45 days after the accident. If notice is later than 45 days, your benefits may be delayed.

Contact the attorneys at The Davis Law Group, P.C. to discuss your workers’ compensation claim and protect your right to medical benefits.

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